A testimony is a spiritual witness given by the Holy Ghost. The foundation of a testimony is the knowledge that Heavenly Father lives and loves His children; that Jesus Christ lives, that He is the Son of God, and that He carried out the infinite Atonement; that Joseph Smith is the prophet of God who was called to restore the gospel; that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Savior’s true Church on the earth; and that the Church is led by a living prophet today. With this foundation, a testimony grows to include all principles of the gospel.

“I plead with you now to take charge of your own testimony of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Work for it. Nurture it so that it will grow.” – Russel M. Nelson
I have a testimony that God and Jesus Christ live. Part of the reason I believe this is that I can feel the Holy Spirit whenever I am gathered with one, two or more people. And also in my observations of the natural world, like plant and animal life, and in the ordered motions of celestial bodies in the sky, like the Earth’s Sun and moon. Said another way, my observations of nature confirm to me that God created a perfect world for us that has order. And I believe that our family trees are an example of Heavenly Father’s love for us, and that he wants us to be happy with our families, and for us to care for our family members. Our family trees provide us with a way for the love of our families to continue on with each successive generation. I believe that every one of us is child of a loving God, who wants us to be happy.
I love this gospel of Jesus Christ’s. I like to know how things work. As a child, I would ask my mother, “How come?” She would answer with, “Don’t ask me, ‘how come’ any more.” I loved the scripture stories. After awhile I learned they were trying to teach me how to act/react and do things. It took several years after the commandments came along that they were teaching me how things worked and were successful. I enjoyed Sunday School and Primary lessons. I grew up in a small Western farm town. We didn’t have Seminary. My mother was my Sunday School and taught us the beginning of the Book of Mormon. Also at that time, the Church hadn’t emphasize for parents to get their children their own copies of the scriptures. This was in the 1950s and that excited me to get my own Book of Mormon. I asked for one for my sixteenth birthday. Triples were just coming out but I knew we couldn’t afford one. My birthday came and there was a book sized box. I was so excited. When I opened it, there was a Book of Mormon that was to be mine and I could read it whenever I wanted to. I picked it up and it was a Triple!! I was so excited and sat right down and made me a schedule of how much I could read in a day and get it all read soon. It was often said in Church and in Church talks and lessons, “Well, it says it in the scriptures.” That would end all discussion. I wanted to know what the scriptures said for myself. I am 84 now and I still love reading them all the time and learning more and more from them. I love them all. The Holy Spirit has a curriculum for each one of us that he personally teaches to us as we study the scriptures over and over. So many wonderful people come to us and enter our life as we study them.
I believe in a higher power. I believe in something greater than myself. I believe in world peace and a type of utopia where we can all be happy and content with one another and especially with ourselves.
I know there is adversity and that life brings challenges, and with those come joy and growth for there is opposition in all things.
I know that God lives and that Jesus is the Christ for there are gaps that exist that remind me I cannot and do not need to do it alone.
I have comfort, peace and greater understanding when I have Church in my life. I have the power and strength to carry on when there are days I think I simply can’t. He loves and knows each of us, He lives and He sets us free from the cares of the world.
I pray we can each find the truth and joy we are seeking for a life fulfilled and genuine to ourselves. I love Him, and I cherish the plan He has set before me.
I hope you can know these things for yourself if you truly seek it.
I have a testimony of Jesus Christ. He comforts heartache. He clears confusion. He calms fear. He heals. He helps me correct my mistakes when I come to Him. He is the ultimate example of how to love. Following His example brings me joy and strengthens my relationships with family and friends. Jesus Christ gives me light in each day no matter what the day brings. Staying close to my Savior has made a significant difference in my life. I love Him with all my heart.
I have a testimony of that Jesus is the Christ. I know this because I have followed Him. I have
studied his teachings and worked to follow them. They have brought me peace and happiness.
I have a testimony of prayer. I know this because I have prayed. Sometimes quickly and quietly, but other times with the pain of in injured soul. Piercing the heavens and begging the angels to stop their work and look to see what could be so needy.
I have a testimony of Joseph Smith. I know this because I have taught of his vision. The Holy Ghost is always present anytime I share with anyone the First Vision.
I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know this because I have read it. The accounts it contains teach lessons I still work to fully absorb into myself. They teach us how to be disciples of Christ.
May all know that I have a testimony and that I intend to strengthen it every day.
In the name of Jesus the Christ, amen.